Friday, 7 October 2016

What is the Reading-Writing Connection: Invented Spelling

What is the Reading-Writing Connection: Invented Spelling

Reading the article “What is the connection between Reading and Writing?” gave us insight on the link between how children learn to write and how they learn to read. We discovered that as early as 2  to 3 years of age children begin to show signs of reading through writing. We were able to engage in a discussion about the stages that shows the development of children’s reading and writing skills. Starting from scribbling nonsense to making an association between letters and sounds.
Furthermore, we came across the term ‘Invented Spelling’, which comes about after the students or children make the link between letter and their sounds. Prior to us reading the information given by the article about Invented Spelling, we had a discussion to predict what the term meant. We came to the conclusion that it is when students and children make up words. Our prediction wasn’t far off and was confirmed by the article, as it states that Invented Spelling occurs when children become writers, they begin to invent spelling of words that they wish to put on paper. A discussion came up among the group members who taught kindergarten to grade 2. They spoke about students in their class who would often spell words incorrectly, as they try to spell words by reproducing the sound of the letter missing out vowels etc. They exclaimed that they often thought that these students had a spelling problem and was glad for the newly acquired knowledge about Invented Spelling. Invented spelling in our opinion is a clear illustration of how reading and writing are connected.
Moreover, as teachers we continued reflecting on our days in the classroom and was able to identify instances of invented spelling. One instance, discussed was the fact that students would have incorrect spelling, but when ask to read out their constructed sentence (s) they would read accurately showing us that they knew what they wanted to write. The question when does invented spelling disappear came up. Using the information in the article as a guide for our discussion we were came up
with this answer to our question. Invented Spelling in our opinion disappears as students advance through the grades and topics such as vowel sounds etc. Simply put, as children are exposed to different reading materials to learn different and new materials they will become more proficient spellers and in turn better writers.
To this end, we see children showing the interrelatedness of reading and writing starting from a very young age. To encourage this teachers and parents alike should ensure that children and students are given the opportunity to explore this stage as in depth as possible. Such exploration aids in creativity and proficient writing and reading skills.  In addition, the connection between reading and writing is being displayed continuously in different ways as children progresses.            


  1. This article gave a clear description of the writing process. We find this information useful as teachers because we are now aware of the different steps in the process and what to expect at each step. This will assist us when planning for classroom instructions and help us to develop patience and understanding for students at different steps or levels in the writing process

  2. I agree with the article. At a young age, children use every and any platform available to them to write. Parents, as well as teachers need to realize that learners are all different but the goal is always the same. Once students learn to read and write and make the connection between the two then the additional subjects will be easy. Writing allows students to express themselves and reading allows learners to expand their imagination.
